Easy-to-Care Plants
We offer a delightful collection of easy-to-care plants, perfect for enhancing your home, office, or gifting to your loved ones. With a wide variety of low-maintenance indoor and outdoor plants delivered in Sydney, this collection ensures that even those without a green thumb can enjoy the beauty and benefits of lush greenery. From vibrant succulent plants to resilient Zanzibar Gem, each plant is handpicked for its ability to thrive in different environments while requiring minimal attention. Discover the joy of bringing nature indoors with these hassle-free plants that add a touch of serenity and freshness to any space.
Peperomia Caperata in Hanging Pot
Monstera Deliciosa in Large EcoPot
Spathiphyllum – Peace Lily in Medium EcoPot
Jade Plant – Money Plant in Mini EcoPot
Ficus Elastica Burgundy – Rubber Plant in Planter Bag Medium
Ficus Elastica Ruby – Rubber Plant in Planter Bag Medium
Spathiphyllum – Peace Lily in Planter Bag Medium
Succulent Sunny in Mini EcoPot
Monstera Deliciosa in Medium EcoPot
Lady Palm in Planter Bag Medium
Devils Ivy – Snow Queen in Hanging Pot
Monstera Adansonii Monkey Mask in Hanging Pot
Mother in Law’s Tongue in Planter Bag Medium
Peperomia Baby Rubber in Mini EcoPot
Philodendron Rojo Congo in Planter Bag Medium
Philodendron Birkin in Planter Bag
Strelitzia Nicolai – Bird of Paradise in Medium EcoPot