How to Care for a Calamondin Tree

Calamansi Calamondin Tree
The Calamondin or Calamansi tree is a well-known and popular citrus tree that is often grown as an ornamental tree. The Calamansi tree produces delicious fruits that are rich in vitamin C and are commonly cultivated in the Philippines. This citrus tree is an attractive green decoration for your home and also bears beautiful white flowers. The tree typically starts producing fruit at the age of about three years.

Here’s a guide on how to care for your Calamansi citrus tree.

Calamansi Calamondin Tree
Light The Calamansi needs full sun, so your best bet is to place the tree in a sunny spot in the garden or on the balcony. Citrus trees need 6-8 hours of sun per day to grow. Water Calamondin Trees prefer moist but well-drained soil. Water your tree deeply once a week, and adjust the watering schedule depending on the weather and humidity. Allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering again. The top of the soil may look dry but it can be wet beneath, so before watering your plant, dip your finger into the soil to feel the level of moisture. If it feels soggy, wait for a few days and check again. Temperature & Humidity Calamansi trees are stronger than most other citrus plants and can tolerate dry conditions during warmer months. While the tree can withstand cold weather, its growth is stunted when temperatures drop below about 12°C. The optimum temperature for a Calamansi to grow is roughly between 20-30°C. If you experience extremely cold winters, it is advised to bring your Calamansi inside to protect the tree against the low temperatures. Maintenance Calamansi trees need fertiliser to stay healthy and produce flowers and fruits. These trees are heavy feeders so you can get away with feeding them with a slow-release fertiliser or Dynamic Lifter up to 4 times a year. Pruning is important for maintaining the shape and size of your Calamondin Tree and promoting healthy growth. Use sharp, clean pruning shears to remove any dead or diseased branches, as well as any branches that are growing inwards or crossing over each other. Prune your tree in late winter or early spring before new growth begins.

Buy Calamondin – Calamansi