The Bay Tree is a hardy, evergreen tree that is native to the Mediterranean region. It has glossy, dark green leaves, which are cultivated for centuries for their distinctive flavour and fragrance.
Here’s how to care for your Bay Tree.
Place your potted Bay Tree where it will receive 6-8 hours of direct sunlight.
Soak the soil thoroughly and wait for the water to drain through, then empty any excess water sitting in the saucer to avoid root rot. Allow the top 3-5cm of soil to dry out before watering again. You may need to water regularly in summer.
Tip: the top of the soil may look dry but it can be wet beneath, so before watering your plant, dip your finger into the soil to feel the level of moisture. If it feels soggy, wait for a few days and check again.
Temperature & Humidity
Average to warm temperatures and average humidity. Protect from frost.
Feed your Bay Tree in spring with a balanced organic fertiliser. It also helps to refresh the top couple of inches of soil each spring, being careful not to hurt the shallow roots.
Prune your Bay Tree in late spring for shape. Remove any dead or damaged leaves and any suckers. Suckers grow from the roots and should be pruned.